What if you could replace the guilt and calories of a chocolate bar with nutrition and nourishment instead? You can with our chocolate-granola. Crisp, pure chocolate goodness with a handpicked granola combination that melts in your mouth. Your taste buds will remember it, your body will thank you.


Has your cup of coffee ever made you so happy you wanted to bite into it? Us too. You can actually do so now with our unique, delectable coffee granola flavor. Your cup of coffee in a perfect energy bar that gives you all the energy and taste in 1/4th the amount of caffeine. All energy, all taste, no jitters.
Our most unique flavor encompasses a blend of sweet, mouth-watering blood orange and cinnamon notes infused with cocoa, and handpicked granola. So flavorful that you keep wanting 'just one more', and with T100, you can have as many. With T100, your cravings serve your health.

T100 strives to provide irreplaceable taste with real, natural nutrition. However, our brand vision extends far beyond our products. We live in a world that operates on toxic media and diet cultures, in a race to sculpt our bodies to fit a template. This has given birth to countless artificial products that have us straying away from the food of the Earth. T100 aims to reconnect consumers with real nutrition - using no artifical, processed or refined products.
We aim to revitalize the body with natural sugar and carbs - and hence create a product that can also be consumed during blood sugar lows.
We are committed to making energy real, and reminding consumers that health is the only template a body needs to fit into. Every bar of T100 is made with this vision at heart.

Founder/CEO -
Yash Naresh Ramchandani
I play many roles in my life - I'm a daughter, sister, student, worker, writer, and now, a founder. Above all these roles, I am a dreamer and believer. I've had contradicting interestes all my life - business and endocrinology, poetry and weight-lifting. I enjoy living my life in a paradox, but my one rule is to be passionate about all my roles. T100, however, is my passion itself. The idea behind this startup is for my sister who I've always looked up to, and has inspired the vision behind the brand. Every bar of T100 is for her, first.

Interested in our vision, and part of being a brand that drives change, innovation, and creates the tastiest snacks you can have in your pantry?
Join our team!